Lendra Medine's DIY Dress Tip | DIY

Collective Request: Lendra Medine's DIY Dress Tip | DIY
 We love a good DIY, which is why we're super excited about Lendra Medine's latest post.
Collective Request: Lendra Medine's DIY Dress Tip | DIY

        PHOTO: Man Repeller

Medine holds one scarf in front and the other in back, bringing the corners together at the shoulders.

Collective Request: Lendra Medine's DIY Dress Tip | DIY

She secures the two scarves together by knotting them at the top.

Collective Request: Lendra Medine's DIY Dress Tip | DIY

Now that the top is secured, she belts the waist to create a dress silhouette.

Collective Request: Lendra Medine's DIY Dress Tip | DIY

 If you want to see all of the steps and instructions together, go to Man Repeller for the full DIY.


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